Americool Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Can a Fireplace Heat an Entire Home?

Monday, December 18th, 2023
Family Relaxing Indoors And Stroking Pet Dog

This is an interesting concept. As heating costs rise and income levels stay stagnant, homeowners are looking for new ways to escape their unusually high utility bills and still enjoy peace and comfort each winter. So, can all of this be achieved with a fireplace?

Well, the answer is it depends. Fireplaces have come a long way in recent years, and some even have the sole purpose of heating as much space as possible, while others are mostly for the aesthetic feeling of having a wood fire in your home. In truth, we’ll need to go into detail about fireplaces and heating in general to give you proper advice.

You can trust our team as your local fireplace contractor in Centralia, WA if you’re looking for uncommon or unconventional ways to keep your home warm and cozy. Our opinions are backed by science and experience, so you know you’re in good hands!

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